WRAP – Be Mighty


 WRAP – Be Mighty

Campaign activation

The true power of food waste recycling.

Wales is a nation of recyclers – ranking 3rd in the world, but their food waste recycling was in steep decline over the last few years. Reigniting their mighty recycling mission, this campaign aimed to increase food waste recycling, responding to the barriers people face – the ‘yuck’ factor and a lack of clarity on the value of doing so. To show the very real ‘power’ of food waste recycling we crafted a series of energy stories, focusing on specific food items and reflecting exactly what the energy created can do for homes in Wales.




We worked with photographer Michael Harvey to capture a collection of food waste items through still life, and brought them to life with simple illustrations, to reflect the energy that food waste recycling can generate. Relating these stories to day to day objects / references grounded the campaign in reality, from banana skins charging a phone, to tea bags creating enough energy to boil the kettle for another cuppa.